I/O Landscape
Exhibition Date: 20,July-10,Aug,2019
Artists:C&G Art Group (Chieh-sen Chiu, Margot Guillemot)
Reception Guest Speaker:National Taiwan University of Arts, Head of the Department of Art, Chen Kuang-Yi。Art Critic, Lecturer at the National Taiwan University of Arts, Wang Sheng-Huang.
Art and Technology (Industrial Technology Research Institute) :03, Aug (Sat.) 15:00-17:00
Moderator:Hsiang-Lan Shih
Participants:Artist Chiu Chieh-Sen, Artist Margot Guillemot, Ph.D. in Philosophy at Université Jean-Moulin-Lyon-III, France Professor Shih-Wei Tsai, Vital Sensing and Art Creation Lab Director Hong-Dun Lin, Automation and New Media Lab Researcher Lee Chun-Ting,Researcher Hank Wang
Exhibition Location:VT Art Salon B1, No.17, Ln.56, Sec. 3, Xinsheng N. Rd, Taipei City 104, Taiwan
“Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation.” Guy-Ernest Debord
In this era of capitalism materialization, the current society will have to face the territory of spectacle society that it has built. In this new division in history, social life is an accumulation of spectacles. A society of the spectacle, the relationship between human and nature begins to break. Nature becomes a medium for human leisure. With the advancement of digital technology, contemporary spectacle begins to disorientate. The relationship between reality and truth grows unclear.
This exhibition is held by C&G Art Group. The art group selected from the fourth annual VT Open Call. In order to find new borders in the territories of the seen and also the unseen, they created different body perception. Connecting a bridge from the spectacle and the digital to the corresponding body relationship. This was the beginning of a new series of projects called “Remake Landscape”.
C&G Art Group cooperated with the Industrial Technology Research Institute to complete this project. Combining art with technology has the potential to fully express the project’s core motive, which is to rediscover the survival environment. Discussing how we would build the relationship between people and the modern “landscape”. This exhibition is presented through multimedia. It has the ability to transfer art into a spectacle. Allowing people to bring to the city the aesthetics of life and continuously persisting on adding it to the city. The moment that the audiences lay eyes on it, it opens up a new layer of understanding to their surroundings. This is where it lingers and observes. It ponders, refreshes and reveals.