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City top plus Series
Oil on canvas
from 2017
In “City top plus” series Chiehsen Chiu uses a chalk line reel, a tool commonly found in construction sites. Each line is an extension of the city horizontality and verticality, and the geometric unity of the picture acts as a unit to measure urban places. The panoramic format incorporates “time” to the viewing experience, tracing back to Chinese scrolls paintings heritage, as it cannot be embraced in one look: it needs to be unreeled.
作品使用建築工地中常見到的標線工具―「墨 斗 (Chalk line)」。同時用無人空拍機進行田野調查,採集高雄港區的發 展進程。每一條線性都是 城市水平與垂直的延伸,幾何的畫面統一性是建 構地方的度量單位。橫幅的全景製圖,是感官中最 令人賞心悅目的,它伴 隨著如同捲軸山水畫般的「時間閱覽」功能。
Chiehsen Chiu
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