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Expo/2021+Taoyuan Land Art Festival 桃園地景藝術節2022/3/11-3/27

Updated: Mar 4, 2022




本屆地景藝術節也因疫情而延期至2022年,名稱增加「+」,賦予本活動在疫情蔓延下,桃園面對未知挑戰的勇氣 !


Overture is a landscape installation that combines artificial media and plants, which grow up along the development of the time to generate various features. The Earth is the home of human beings, where the development of civilization and the ecology of the Earth are closely intertwined and connected. Therefore, the artists put forward the concept of the coexistence of the "concrete" used for human constructions and the climbing plants from the nature to create an iron globe on the lawn as a metaphor of the Earth. The creative team incorporates the natural ecological scenery into the work and exhibits it in a public area for leisure activities. The climbing plants underneath the work will gradually grow upward to be attached to the iron globe and concrete construction and thus form an organic work with rich vitality and multiple layers. Material:Iron rings, Concrete, Climbing Plants

Dimensions:L2✕W2 ✕H2m


《序曲》是透過人造的媒材結合植栽,形成一個具穿透性、依著時間生長而產生各種面貌之地景裝置。 地球是人類賴以為生的唯一星球,文明發展程度與地球的生態緊密相連交織成的生活樂章。因此,藝術家提出人的建築量體材料「混凝土」與大自然的攀藤植物共生為創作概念,以世界一家的視野,創造一顆在草地上隱喻為地球的球型鐵圈。藝術團隊將自然生態景致融入作品中,作品在公共休憩區域展示,植栽於作品下方的攀藤植物,隨時間逐漸向上蔓延,與工業鐵件的球形鐵圈與建築的混凝土,融合成為一件具生命力與豐富層次的有機作品。 作品材質:鐵圈、混凝土、爬藤植物 作品尺寸:L2✕W2 ✕H2m

Artist 邱杰森 X 莫珊嵐 CHIU CHIEH-SEN X MARGOT GUILLEMOT Taiwan , France

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